Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So, I need more followers. But I have no idea how to go about it. And I didn't get on much before but I'm planning on changing that as you can tell with the posts of the last couple days. Any ideas from the followers I do have?

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Girl In The Park Chapter Sampler

Also, for those interested here is the chapter sampler for The Girl In The Park by Mariah Fredericks. It's on Random House's Scribd page, alot with lots of others.

My Review - The Girl In The Park


When Wendy Geller's body is found in Central Park after the night of a rager, newspaper headlines scream,"Death in the Park: Party Girl Found Strangled." But shy Rain, once Wendy's best friend, knows there was more to Wendy than just "party girl." As she struggles to separate the friend she knew from the tangle of gossip and headlines, Rain becomes determined to discover the truth about the murder. Written in a voice at once immediate, riveting, and utterly convincing, Mariah Frederick's mystery brilliantly exposes the cracks in this exclusive New York City world and the teenagers that move within it.

My Review:

Before I started this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect. If it was just going to be another mystery book where you already know what’s going to happen a third of the way in, or if it was going to have surprises. It started off like-able but ended amazing. Rain was down to earth and very likeable. Throughout the book, you were rooting for her to find the truth and face her fears. You also got to learn more about Wendy Geller, what she was actually like and what kind of secrets she had after her and Rain stopped being friends. This book kept me guessing until the end because what I thought I knew was going to happen every time was blown away by some new secret Rain finds as she digs deeper for the truth. The end scene was very powerful and actually quite fitting. Overall, I highly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone.

Favorite Character: Rain
Rating: 9/10
Song That Reminds Me Of This Book: You Found Me by The Fray

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So This Is How It Goes................

So, I've been off for a long time those of you that follow my blog....... It will probably be a shocker that your even seeing me post. I'm going to update everything as much as I can and hopefully start posting regularly now that I've got some areas of life under some semblance of control. So, I'm hoping to get new followers, please the old ones, and any comments/suggestions are extremely welcome.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Review!

FTC: I am not being compensated for this review.
Now, for the review! As you can see over there ----->
the book is Edges by Lena Roy. The synopsis from the back of the book:

After his mother dies and his father begins drinking again, Luke decides to leave New York City. Though he’s just sixteen, he finds a job and friends in fantastic, otherworldly Moab, Utah—the last place his family was happy together.

Back in New York, eighteen-year-old Ava finally admits she has a drinking problem. But life doesn’t automatically get easier when she joins Alcoholics Anonymous.

When circumstances—or fate—bring Ava to Moab as well, she and Luke both must figure out how to heal their families and themselves.

Now that you have read that, it is time for my review of the book.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, even though I wasn’t sure I would. I started reading it, stopped, then had to come back to it. It isn’t my usual type of book, but I did enjoy it. The story takes place in the small rural area of Utah called Moab. The story starts off with a boy named Luke and his day to day actvities at the youth hostel he works at. As the story progresses, you see the day to day activities and the people he sees, mix with his memories and the author does a very nice job of not confusing the reader with how she mixes them together. You can really see how Luke’s mind works in the way he describes things and what events trigger what memories. As the reader gets further into the book, it changes pace and goes to a girl named Ava, who is the daughter of the couple who own the youth hostel Luke works at. Ava is an recovering alcoholic at 19, and it follows her as she tries to get sober and the series of events that lead her to find Luke’s father on a New York sidewalk. It was a very spiritual book, it talked about the spiritual elements of nature and animals and that some signs are just supposed to be. It is definitely a book I would recommend, because it has both a spiritual and real world element to it, and it’s a good read.

Total Count: 9/10
Favorite Character: Tangerine! And Cin.
Would I like to see more? I would love to see more of Ms. Roy's writing, but this book was very clearly a stand-alone. Anything after it would just be over kill.
Song that matches to the book: I didn't really have one in mind when I was reading it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Yup, finally, a review.....

So, here's my review of Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow
(dear FTC, not sure if I am doing this right but this is my book that I bought and I did not get it from the publisher and am not getting any compensation for reviewing it)
The Synopsis for barnesandnoble.com:
Dru Anderson has what her grandmother called “the touch.” (Comes in handy when you’re traveling from town to town with your dad, hunting ghosts, suckers, wulfen, and the occasional zombie.)Then her dad turns up dead—but still walking—and Dru knows she’s next. Even worse, she’s got two guys hungry for her affections, and they’re not about to let the fiercely independent Dru go it alone. Will Dru discover just how special she really is before coming face-to-fang with whatever—or whoever— is hunting her?
My review:
It was a very good book and it really kept you guessing until the end. I loved how Ms. St. Crow added stuff about weapons and defense and that, but I wish she would have added more detail about the weapons. But that's just me. Really, my only other complaint was that it was too short!! The pacing of it was great, as was the plot and it really brought life and personality to what some might call a "regular" monster book. It was, overall, a very very good book and I really recommend it.
Rating: 9 out of 10
Favorite Character(s): Dru
Song for the book: for some reason I liked Look After You by The Fray for this book.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Alright so I know I've been slacking in posting and this is a new blog so that's not really very good. I promise as of next week, starting Monday, I will post 1 review a day for the next week. I've read alot of books so I think I can review them fairly well. And I'm thinking of putting up some features but I'm not sure yet. So I'll start posting more.